Advance Published

Advance Published have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Negative list research in Germany
LI ying, HU Jia-xin
[Abstract] [PDF]
Analysis on the Construction of "Virtual Nursing Homes" in Cities
[Abstract] [PDF]
Reading Horizon and Academic Orientation of Korean Literary Official: A Case Study of Hong Shizhou's Hong Shi Du Shu Lu
GU Yi-fan
[Abstract] [PDF]
In Order to Cultivate Talents of the New Times to Construct Integrated Ideological and Political Course System
LUAN Chun-yu, HUANG Tian-gang
[Abstract] [PDF]
How to Understand the Social Governance Community?
WANG Jie, CAO Zi-gang
[Abstract] [PDF]
User-side Multi-agent Shared Energy Storage Business Model Value Research
YUAN Jia-hai, WANG Jing, XIONG Min-peng
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Value Interpretation of Ecological Jurisprudence based on Ecological Holism
MA Liang, LI Le
[Abstract] [PDF]
Dilemma and Reflection on the case of "different pay for equal work" in labor dispatch
[Abstract] [PDF]
Game Between the Government and Coal-fired Power Plants on Carbon Emission Reduction Policy
ZHANG Jin-liang, WANG Sheng
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Black List of Carbon Emission Trading
Chen si-yu
[Abstract] [PDF]
Can "nature" be used as a reason for or against gene editing?
[Abstract] [PDF]
Dilemma and Reflection on the application of equal pay clause in labor dispatch
[Abstract] [PDF]
Principles and methods for dealing with the mutual harm between power facilities and animal protection in the context of “Double carbon”
DU Bo, HE Song song, WANG Xin ru
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Philosophical Connotation of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Ecological Civilization
ZHANG Ya-qin, YANG hai
[Abstract] [PDF]
Design and Explore on Mixed Teaching Mode of College Student Health Education Based on Problem-based Learning Concept
YIN Xiu-xiu, CHEN Hong-yan
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Practical Dimension of Enhancing the Mainstream Ideological Identity of Young People in the Era of Fusion Media
ZHANG Jie-yu
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research on Mechanisms and Paths of Mutual Promotion Between Construction of Postgraduate Party Branch and Improvement of Academic Research Ability
WANG Xiao-xia
DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2021.11.29
[Abstract] [PDF]
Study on the Regulation Path of APP Violations
[Abstract] [PDF]
Discussion on the Integration of Regional Environmental Justice.
ZHAO Xu-guang, ZHANG Jia-hao
[Abstract] [PDF]
Global governance value of capital: Critical Reflection and beyond
WANG Ju-qin, PENG Lu-yao
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research on Resilient Cities at Home and Abroad
LI Shi-xiang, SAI Na
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Choice of Ecological Civilization in the Relationship between Man and Nature
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Triple Dimension of Xi Jinping’s Important Discussion on theResponsibility of Youth in the New Era
1.WEI Tongru, 2.ZHANG Beibei
[Abstract] [PDF]
A Study on the digital intelligencial Eary Warning of Intensive Capital Supervision
SHI Fu-lian, LIN Jing, SONG Xiao-hua
[Abstract] [PDF]
Unity of Morality and Achievement
Yun Chun-xi, Jin Tian-ye
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research and discussion on the evaluation framework of future integrated energy system based on system analysis method
YU Shunkun, CAO Keru
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research on China’s photovoltaic power generation policy under the background of “double carbon”
DU Bo, WANG Xin-ru
[Abstract] [PDF]
Sequences: The Interface between Scripts and Stories
[Abstract] [PDF]
Study on Public Interest Litigation for Biodiversity Conservation
CAO Yi-yang
[Abstract] [PDF]
Normative dilemmas and response options for rural domestic energy provision in the context of energy justice
Executive power, environmental responsibility and market value
Li Tao, Zhang Xinyu, Yi Liqi
[Abstract] [PDF]
Will High-quality Internal Control Improve the Efficiency of Corporate Response?
YU Zhong-fu, YIN Zhuo-lin
The Social Disengagement of Scientific Empiricism in Ideological Perspective
[Abstract] [PDF]
Continuously promoting green, Low-Carbon, and Efficient Development of Electricity through Reform and Innovation of the Power System
MO Shen-xing
Establishment and Ambiguity of Chinese Pivotal Sentence: From the Perspective of Generative Lexicon
[Abstract] [PDF]
Civilization Discourse in Late Qing Novels: based on the Perspective of New World Order of Civilization
ZHENG Xiao-lan
[Abstract] [PDF]
An empirical study of carbon emission scenarios under multi-policy regulation
GUO Xiaopeng, ZHAO Qi
[Abstract] [PDF]
Experience: Key to Generation of Competencies of Postgraduates
SUN li, ,
In the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Are humanities useless?
[Abstract] [PDF]
A Contextualization of Marx's Doctoral Dissertation and the Problem of the Concept of Freedom
Luan Wenjuan
[Abstract] [PDF]
The right of shareholders' access crosses the legal obstacles and regulations of the system
LIU Sheng-han
[Abstract] [PDF]
"Harmony Between Man and Nature" in Chinese-type Modernization
QI Song-lin, DONG Ren-na
[Abstract] [PDF]
Based on Cloud Model of Pumped Storage Power Plant Technical Personnel Evaluation of the Degree of Technological Progress
LIU Jia-yin, YU Shun-kun
[Abstract] [PDF]
Research on the impact of Green Power on Carbon Emission Efficiency
Li Wei, Jiang Hao
[Abstract] [PDF]
Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics Analysis of IEA Economy-Energy-Environment-Society Four Systems
HU Jun-feng, WANG Jian-hui
The Interculturality of YU Dafu’s Novels: Intertextuality in Sinking
[Abstract] [PDF]
ChatGPT Research on the copyright determination of the products
WANG Hai-xia
On the Disintegration and Response of Explicit Elements of a Company from the Perspective of Business Environment
LI Zheng-hui
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Modernization of Collaborative Governance of Land Reclamation Supervision Behavior
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Connotation, Mechanism and Suggestions of Green Electricity and Green Certificate for New Power System
[Abstract] [PDF]