YUAN Jia-hai, WANG Jing, XIONG Min-peng. User-side Multi-agent Shared Energy Storage Business Model Value Research[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: YUAN Jia-hai, WANG Jing, XIONG Min-peng. User-side Multi-agent Shared Energy Storage Business Model Value Research[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).

User-side Multi-agent Shared Energy Storage Business Model Value Research

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  • Available Online: September 15, 2021
  • The energy storage system configured by users can reduce the peak and fill the valley and save the electricity cost. However, with the current energy storage technology and economy, energy storage equipment has the problems of high investment cost and long return time, which reduces the enthusiasm of users to invest. Shared energy storage, as a new business model, effectively solves the problem that it is difficult for a single user to invest independently. Based on the proposed operation mode of shared energy storage, this paper considers the multiple values of shared energy storage, and builds a multi-angle cost-benefit model of energy storage investment for operators, users and power grid. Taking the typical users with different power consumption as an example, the results show that the configuration of shared energy storage can achieve the purpose of multi-agent win-win.
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