Deng Xiaoping's Political Wisdom and Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture
CAI Li-min, XIONG Xiao, XIE Zi-tong
2020, 1(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.001
[Abstract] [PDF]
Basis, Path, and Goal: The Three Dimensions of Deng Xiaoping's Thought of Strictly Administering the Party
DOU Yong-chao
2020, 1(3): 9-15. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.002
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Influence of Different Allowance Allocation Auction Ratios on China's Power Supply Structure: A System Dynamics Approach
Zhang Su-fang, Lv Shu-he
2020, 1(3): 16-25. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.003
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Latest Progress of the Netherlands' Energy and ClimatePolicy and Its Enlightenment to China
SI Lin-bo, ZHAO Lu
2020, 1(3): 26-35. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.004
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Enlightenment of OECD Environmental Tax Source Design for China
LIN Xing-yang
2020, 1(3): 36-45. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.005
[Abstract] [PDF]
Introduction of Hydropower Technology in China and Early Hydropower Development
ZHENG Xiao-guang
2020, 1(3): 46-54. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.006
[Abstract] [PDF]
Concept Analysis and Landing Suggestions: The Status Quo and Reflection of Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things Construction
LIANG Wei-guo
2020, 1(3): 55-61. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.007
[Abstract] [PDF]
"Mirror" Analysis of Consumer Equilibrium and Producer Equilibrium
CUI Jun-fu, MIAO Jian-jun
2020, 1(3): 62-69. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.009
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Internal Logic and Path of Social Capital Participating in Rural Industrial Revitalization
ZHANG Ru-meng, LIU Fa-wei
2020, 1(3): 70-79. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.008
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Introduction of Criminal Prosecution of Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department and Its Enlightenment
DENG Jia-yong
2020, 1(3): 80-87. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.010
[Abstract] [PDF]
Legal Basis of Integral Protection of Traditional Villages
2020, 1(3): 96-103. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.012
[Abstract] [PDF]
Developing by Going Back While Going Forward
CAI Yu-seng
2020, 1(3): 104-111. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.013
[Abstract] [PDF]
Essence and History: Corrections to Jacques Derrida’s Literature View
CHEN Kai-sheng
2020, 1(3): 112-121. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.014
[Abstract] [PDF]
Spatial Construction in Doris Lessing’s The Memoirs of a Survivor
ZUO Jin-mei, ZHOU Qian-qian
2020, 1(3): 122-127. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.015
[Abstract] [PDF]
On the Connotative Development of Part-time Postgraduate Education
ZHANG Lei, LUO Ge-fei
2020, 1(3): 128-134. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.016
[Abstract] [PDF]
The Role Orientation and Education Optimization of Head Teachers in Colleges and Universities on the Basis of the Concept of “Three-in-one Education”
SUN Qing-lei
2020, 1(3): 135-140. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2020.03.017
[Abstract] [PDF]