Establishment and Ambiguity of Chinese Pivotal Sentence: From the Perspective of Generative Lexicon
Graphical Abstract
The structural representation levels of lexical semantics and mapping principle from semantics to syntax of Generative Lexicon could provide insightful explanation for the forming of Chinese pivotal sentence. To be specific, structural lexical semantic representation of causative V1 could explain the motivation for N1+V1+N2+V2's forming of pivotal sentence. This is because in the qualia structure of causative V1, ARG2 occupies positions of two qualia roles as well as two sub-events. Nevertheless, it is not always clear, neither semantically nor syntactically, for causative V1 to enter N1+V1+N2+V2 to form pivotal sentence. When V1 carries meaning of accompany or assist as well, the structural lexical semantic representation of V1 could change, with sub-events, event head as well as qualia structure being rearranged, which leads to different conditions of ambiguity. In accordance with the dynamic semantic generativity proposed by Generative Lexicon, V2's meaning of together and N2's animacy could affect ambiguity caused by causative V1 with accompany meaning, while context or encyclopedia knowledge can determine the ambiguity caused by causative V1 with assist meaning.