郑晓岚. 晚清小说中的文明话语——基于世界文明新秩序的思考[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 郑晓岚. 晚清小说中的文明话语——基于世界文明新秩序的思考[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
ZHENG Xiao-lan. Civilization Discourse in Late Qing Novels: based on the Perspective of New World Order of Civilization[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: ZHENG Xiao-lan. Civilization Discourse in Late Qing Novels: based on the Perspective of New World Order of Civilization[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


Civilization Discourse in Late Qing Novels: based on the Perspective of New World Order of Civilization

  • 摘要: 在晚清文化语境中,“文明”一词被赋予“进步”之义,主要指向西方现代物质文明。以“文明”为关键词,从人物形象塑造、情节设置、主题旨意三个层面,分析《文明小史》《新石头记》《黄绣球》等晚清小说中的文明话语,探讨晚清作家如何在文学文本中展现文明与野蛮的冲突,探索世界文明新秩序。研究发现:作品主要塑造官员、维新人士、留学生等人物形象,赋予人名以丰富的隐喻含义;以文明与野蛮的冲突推动情节发展;对未来国家展开文明想象,表达重返世界文明中心的美好愿望。


    Abstract: In the cultural context of the late Qing Dynasty, "civilization", endowed with the meaning of "progress", mainly refers to modern western civilization. With "civilization" as the keyword, this article analyzes the discourse of civilization in late Qing novels such as A Brief History of Civilization, The New Story of The Stone, and Huang Xiuqiu from such three levels as character portrayal, plot setting, and thematic significance. It expounds how late Qing writers showcase the conflict between civilization and barbarism in literary texts and explore a new world order of civilization. It is found that these novels mainly portray characters such as officials, reformers, and students who have studied abroad, whose names have been given profound metaphorical meanings; the plot is forwarded through the conflict between civilization and barbarism; a civilized country in the future is imagined and a nice wish to return to the center of world civilization expressed.


