崔凡. 科学经验主义“去社会化”的意识形态透视[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 崔凡. 科学经验主义“去社会化”的意识形态透视[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
CUI Fan. The Social Disengagement of Scientific Empiricism in Ideological Perspective[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: CUI Fan. The Social Disengagement of Scientific Empiricism in Ideological Perspective[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


The Social Disengagement of Scientific Empiricism in Ideological Perspective

  • 摘要: 为何科学经验主义在20世纪中期经历了“去社会化”,而使科学哲学转变为一门专业中立性的学科?意识形态因素在科学经验主义的转型过程中起着重要作用,具体表现为:在外部的社会-文化氛围上,反共势力对大学和知识分子展开政治清查,卡尔纳普和弗兰克等学者就亲身体验了这种恐惧气氛,还成为联邦机构调查的对象;在学术界,科学统一运动中的基本理念和方法受到批判,甚至被美国哲学家卡伦指控为“极权主义”;特别是在学科内部,弗兰克及其科学哲学观在专业杂志上竟遭到公开诋毁,并断言其在思想上转向了托马斯主义。在这种情况下,科学经验主义主要代表人物的态度开始转变,外部资助难以为继,学科内部出现严重分化,最终导致科学经验主义走向了“去社会化”。


    Abstract: Why did scientific empiricism go through the social disengagement in the middle of the 20th century and transform scientific philosophy into a professional discipline? First, anticommunist attacked against universities and intellectuals in the socio-cultural context, which resulted in a climate of fear that made many intellectuals nervous and cautious. R. Carnap and P. Frank directly experienced the pressures in the form of anticommunist investigations undertaken by Federal Bureau of Investigation. Second, in academic circles the values and methods embedded in the Unity of Science Movement were questioned and accused as totalitarian by the philosopher H. Kallen. In addition, Frank and his philosophy of science were publicly criticized in the journal of Philosophy of Science in 1959, and even claimed Frank had converted to neo-Thomist. Under this circumstance, the attitude of the main representatives of scientific empiricism began to change, the external funding became unsustainable, and there was a serious division within the discipline, which eventually led to the social disengagement of scientific empiricism.


