
Theoretical Reflection and Codex Approach of Watershed Governance Legislation under the Theory of Human and Nature Isomorphism

  • 摘要: 我国虽然基本形成了较为完备的流域治理法律体系,但以《水法》为核心的《水污染防治法》《防洪法》《水土保持法》等流域治理立法仍延续“条块”结合治理,水资源、水环境和水生态分治的思维模式,造成实践中流域治理梗阻。究其根源,学理层面,现行流域治理立法“条块”结合治理、水资源、水环境与水生态分治逻辑违背流域整体性、系统性和联系性规律。法理层面,流域治理立法“条块”结合治理和水资源、水环境与水生态分治既不符合科学立法原则,又违背法秩序统一性原理,规范重复、冲突更会影响规范效力和位阶秩序。有鉴于此,我国应加快推进《生态环境法典》编撰,遵循整体治理、系统治理和统筹治理思路,综合采用立、改、废、释等多元技术推进流域治理规范在《生态环境法典》污染控制编和自然生态保护编中优化、融贯和协调,形成具有中国特色的流域治理法律体系。同时,在法典尚未出台或暂不成熟的情况下,应采取多元手段优化现行流域治理规范,为过渡期纷繁复杂的流域治理问题提供规则依据。


    Abstract: Although China has basically formed a relatively complete legal system of watershed governance, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, the Flood Control Law, the Soil and Water Conservation Law and other watershed governance legislation with the Water Law as the core still continues the 'block' combined governance, water resources, water environment and water ecology partition of the mode of thinking, resulting in the practice of watershed governance obstruction. The root cause of this is that, at the doctrinal level, the current watershed governance legislation combining with 'block' governance, water resources, water environment and water ecology and the logic of partitioning violates the laws of wholeness, systemicity and connectivity of the watershed. Jurisprudence level, watershed governance legislation 'block' combined with governance and water resources, water environment and water ecology division is not in line with the principle of scientific legislation. It is also contrary to the principle of unity of the legal order and norms of duplication. Conflicts will affect the effectiveness of norms and order of precedence. In view of this, China should speed up the compilation of the Ecological and Environmental Code, follow the overall governance, systematic governance and integrated governance ideas, and comprehensively adopt the establishment, reform, abolition and interpretation of diversified techniques to promote watershed governance norms in the Ecological and Environmental Code pollution control and natural ecological protection in the optimisation, integration and coordination of the formation of watershed governance with Chinese characteristics of the legal system. At the same time, when the Code has not yet been introduced or is not yet mature, the legislation should also adopt diversified means to optimise the existing watershed governance norms, so as to provide a basis of rules for the complicated watershed governance issues in the transitional period.


