
Research on Corporate Governance Model of Urban Rail Transit EnterprisesAnalysis on the statistical data of 50 cities in China

  • 摘要: 作为轨道建设投资和运营主体的城市轨道交通企业(简称“城轨企业),如何提升现代治理能力和水平,以适应城市轨道交通事业的快速发展,成为每个城市在推进城市治理过程中面临的一个新课题。为此,基于2021年底已开通城轨运营的50个城市的城轨企业的相关调研数据,运用公司治理理论,对这些企业的产权结构、委托代理关系、公司治理结构和公司治理机制进行了深层次分析。结果表明:城轨企业产权结构主要表现为国有独资和国有控股,委托代理关系最多表现为三层级委托代理关系;公司内部治理模式主要表现为新老“三会”融合发展的特征,外部治理模式主要表现为行政性治理、市场治理以及乘客治理“多管齐下”的属性。城轨企业公司治理存在的主要问题表现为治理结构不健全、治理机制不完善、“内部人控制”过度、行政性治理“软约束”、利益相关者治理不充分等。针对这些问题,需要从政府管制、行业自律以及公司改造三个视角,建立创新驱动的新型体制机制。


    Abstract: To meet the needs of the rapid development of urban rail transit, it has become a new topic faced by every city in the process of promoting urban governance as to how the urban rail transit enterprises (urban rail enterprises) regarded as the main body of rail construction investment and operation can improve the ability and level of modern governance. Therefore, based on the relevant research data of urban rail transit enterprises in 50 cities that have opened urban rail transit operation by the end of 2021, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the property right structure, principal-agent relationship, corporate governance structure and corporate governance mechanism of these enterprises by using corporate governance theory. The results show that the property right structure of urban rail transit enterprises is mainly state-owned and state-controlled, and the principal-agent relationship is up to three-level principal-agent relationship. The internal governance mode of the company is mainly characterized by the integrated development of new and old "three meetings", and the external governance mode is mainly characterized by the "multi pronged" attribute of administrative governance, market governance and passenger governance. The main problems existing in the corporate governance of urban rail transit enterprises are imperfect governance structure, imperfect governance mechanism, "excessive insider control", "soft constraints" of administrative governance, insufficient stakeholder governance, etc. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward multi perspective solutions from the macro level.


