辛梓. 《文选》赋分类及体系考辨——兼论《文选》赋的文学生态与政治生态[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 5(3): 109-116. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2024.03.010
引用本文: 辛梓. 《文选》赋分类及体系考辨——兼论《文选》赋的文学生态与政治生态[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 5(3): 109-116. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2024.03.010
XIN Zi. A Study on the Classification and System of Fu in Wen Xuan——a discuss on the literary and political ecology of Fu in Wenxuan[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES), 2024, 5(3): 109-116. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2024.03.010
Citation: XIN Zi. A Study on the Classification and System of Fu in Wen Xuan——a discuss on the literary and political ecology of Fu in Wenxuan[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES), 2024, 5(3): 109-116. DOI: 10.14092/j.cnki.cn11-3956/c.2024.03.010


A Study on the Classification and System of Fu in Wen Xuana discuss on the literary and political ecology of Fu in Wenxuan

  • 摘要: 自班固、扬雄始就有以分类论赋的赋学传统,萧统《文选》赋在前人基础上,根据时代的发展提出新的分类标准,通过赋的分类实现对人文的分类。人文之学是人学也是文学,文学讲究文采,而人学讲究治人之学,也就是建设、治理国家的规章法度。《文选》赋所分十五类既有传统抒情文学题材,同时也兼顾政治治理的主题。文采是对作品的要求,是萧统提炼作品主题用来表达观点的工具,文学与政治不是互相掣肘的概念。经过萧统重新组合的编类体系也兼具文学与政治两种生态,文学生态表现为题材编类上崇尚汉代大赋经典,政治生态表现为重视国事正统题材在编类中的重要性,并以此开宗明经。


    Abstract: Since Ban Gu and Yang Xiong, there has been a tradition of researching Fu by classification. On the basis of predecessors, Xiao Tong put forward a new category standard according to the development of the times, and realized the classification of humanities through the classification of Fu. The study of humanism is both literature and humanity in that literature is about literary beauty, and humanism is about the study of governing people, that is, the rules and regulations of building and governing the country. The fifteen types of Fu in Wen Xuan include both traditional lyric literature and political governance, and the classification of Fu is Xiao Tong's tool to express his views. Literature and politics are not contradictory concepts, and the system recombined by Xiao Tong has both literary and political ecology. The literature ecology displays for advocating the great Fu of Han dynasty. The political ecology shows that it pays attention to the national theme of state affairs and pays homage to the scripture.


