
Research on the Connection between Energy Consuming Right Trading and Emission Trading Scheme in China

  • 摘要: 为实现“双碳”目标,我国在环境权益交易市场体系中分别建立起用能权交易与碳排放权交易制度,前者用于控制用能单位能源使用和消耗的上游环节,后者控制企业温室气体排放的下游环节,两制度有效衔接将有利于节能减排目标完成的高效协同。两类交易制度存在理论背景的一致性,但同时也面临着法律依据、配额分配方法等不一致的地方。因此,我国未来应从立法路径、制度安排及保障措施三个方面入手,为用能权交易制度与碳排放权交易制度衔接所面临的相关问题提供解决方案。


    Abstract: In order to achieve daul carbon goals , China has established an energy consuming trading scheme and emission trading scheme in the environmental rights trading market system. The former controls the upper stream of energy use and consumption per unit of energy, while the latter controls the downstream of GHG emissions of enterprises. Therefore, effective convergence of the two systems will be conducive to efficient coordination in achieving energy conservation and emission reduction goals. Both systems embody the consistency in the theoretical background. However, there are also differences in the legal basis, Allowance allocation methods and so on. In the future, China should start from three aspects: legislative path, institutional arrangement, and safeguard measures, to provide solutions to issues related to the connection between two trading systems.


