孙利. 体验:研究生实现素养生成的关键[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 孙利. 体验:研究生实现素养生成的关键[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
SUN li. Experience: Key to Generation of Competencies of Postgraduates[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: SUN li. Experience: Key to Generation of Competencies of Postgraduates[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


Experience: Key to Generation of Competencies of Postgraduates

  • 摘要: 体验是一种亲身参与、产生情感、生成意义的心理活动,是实现知识转化为素养的关键。体验的过程具有意义性与价值性、自主性与连续性、缄默性与模糊性、亲密性与内生性。在研究生学习实践中,体验是对经验的一种超越,有助于提升研究生专业素养和职业素养。为了增进研究生学习研究实践中体验活动的效果,应从培育自觉体验的意识,激发兴趣和热情;拓展研究生实践体验的机会,创设情景;发挥学习者主体性,启发想象;聚焦内化过程,反思内省等四个方面着手,实现研究生素养的生成。


    Abstract: The experience is a kind of psychological activity that involves personal participation, production of emotion and generation of meaning. It is the key to realize the transformation knowledge into competencies. The process of experience has significance and value, autonomy and continuity, silence and ambiguity, intimacy and endogenous. In the practice of postgraduate learning, experience is a kind of transcendence of experience, which helps to improve the professionalism and professional quality of postgraduates. In order to improve the effect of experience activities in postgraduates' learning and research practice, we should cultivate the awareness of autotelic experience and stimulate interest and enthusiasm; expand opportunities for postgraduates' practical experience and create scenarios; play learners' subjectivity and inspire imagination; focus on the internalization process and reflect to achieve the generation of competencies.


