邬蕾. 在生成式人工智能时代,文科无用?——ChatGPT对人文学科的冲击与人文教育的范式转型[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 邬蕾. 在生成式人工智能时代,文科无用?——ChatGPT对人文学科的冲击与人文教育的范式转型[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
WU Lei. In the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Are humanities useless?——The Impact of ChatGPT on Humanities and the Paradigm Transformation of Humanities Education[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: WU Lei. In the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Are humanities useless?——The Impact of ChatGPT on Humanities and the Paradigm Transformation of Humanities Education[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


In the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Are humanities useless?The Impact of ChatGPT on Humanities and the Paradigm Transformation of Humanities Education

  • 摘要: ChatGPT的广泛应用对人文学科构成挑战,极大冲击了人文学科知识传授、生产等领域,并形成对人文学科能力的替代效应。若细致分析ChatGPT的技术路线会发现,与人的创造力相比,ChatGPT的内在逻辑以既有的数据为基础,其输出的答案是对既有数据的重新排列组合,它无法避免地会带有“偏见”、“平均”、“只取不补”、“只问不答”等特征。若不反思其伦理特征,无节制地使用,可能导致人文学科的异化。人是具有自我意识的理性存在者,这一特征决定了人文学科的发展必然以人性的培养和人的创造力发展为鹄的。在强人工智能尚未来临之际,为了应对人文学科的危机,人依然要以自我意识为根据不断创造和更新人类的语言、思想和价值。但是,人文学科应当勇敢接纳ChatGPT,并利用优长来发展人文学科的独特价值。在教育模式上,可以在教育实践中引入师、生、生成式AI三种角色互动来实现人文教育的数字化转型。在人文教育体制上,应当更注重个性化、创造性和场景化。


    Abstract: The wide application of ChatGPT poses a challenge to the humanities, greatly impacts the fields of knowledge transmission and production of humanities, and forms a substitution effect on the humanities ability. A detailed analysis of ChatGPT's technical route shows that, compared with human creativity, ChatGPT's internal logic is based on existing data, and its output answers are represented by the rearrangement and combination of existing data, which inevitably has the characteristics of "bias", "average", "only taking but not making up", "only asking but not answering" and so on. Without reflecting on its ethical characteristics, it may lead to the alienation of humanities. Human beings are rational beings with self-consciousness, which determines that the development of the humanities must be based on the cultivation of human nature and the creation of human beings. Even before the advent of strong artificial intelligence, in order to cope with the crisis of the humanities, people still need to constantly create and update human language, ideas and values based on self-awareness. But the humanities should embrace ChatGPT and use its strengths to develop the humanities' unique values. In terms of education mode, three kinds of role interaction, namely teacher, student and generative AI, can be introduced into educational practice to realize the digital transformation of humanistic education. In the humanistic education system, we should pay more attention to individuation, creativity and scene.


