郭晓鹏, 赵琪. 多政策调控下中国碳排放情景实证研究[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 郭晓鹏, 赵琪. 多政策调控下中国碳排放情景实证研究[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
GUO Xiaopeng, ZHAO Qi. An empirical study of carbon emission scenarios under multi-policy regulation[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: GUO Xiaopeng, ZHAO Qi. An empirical study of carbon emission scenarios under multi-policy regulation[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


An empirical study of carbon emission scenarios under multi-policy regulation

  • 摘要: 为分析中国能否按时实现碳达峰目标,文章从多维度收集了23个碳排放影响因素进行组合分析,并构建了基于鹈鹕优化-混合核极限学习机的多情景预测模型。本文依据不同经济发展模式,分别设定五个情景预测2022—2040年的碳排放量,并利用tapio脱钩模型分析不同情境实现碳达峰的规律。结果表明:1)人口、经济、能源适合作为碳排放量影响因素的衡量指标;2)中国可以在产业结构调整、生态发展以及统筹发展的情景下按时实现碳达峰;3)在基准情景下,碳达峰将于2032年到来,且如若中国政府放任工业经济发展的同时不加大环境保护力度,碳达峰将在2033年才会实现;4)越早实现碳达峰的情景其碳排放与经济增长的脱钩效应会越强。


    Abstract: In order to analyze whether China can achieve the goal of carbon peak on time, this paper collects 23 potential influencing factors of carbon emission from the dimensions of population, economy and energy, and constructs a multi-scenario prediction model based on the Pelican Optimization-Hybrid Kernel Extreme Learning Machine through factor screening. This paper sets five scenarios based on different economic development modes, and further analyzes the patterns of achieving carbon peaks between different paths using the tapio decoupling model. The results show that: 1) China can achieve carbon peak on time under the scenario of industrial structure adjustment, ecological development and overall development. 2) In the baseline scenario, the carbon peak will arrive in 2032, and if the Chinese government allows industrial economic development without strengthening environmental protection, the carbon peak will not be achieved until 2033. 3) The earlier the carbon peak is achieved, the stronger the decoupling effect between carbon emissions and economic growth will be.


