王海霞. ChatGPT生成物的可版权性认定研究[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 王海霞. ChatGPT生成物的可版权性认定研究[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
WANG Hai-xia. ChatGPT Research on the copyright determination of the products[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: WANG Hai-xia. ChatGPT Research on the copyright determination of the products[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


ChatGPT Research on the copyright determination of the products

  • 摘要: ChatGPT生成物可版权性的问题属于获得著作权法保护的前提和关键。ChatGPT生成物若视为作品受到著作权法保护,现行著作权法受到诸多障碍,司法判决类案不同判。为有效应对ChatGPT可版权性的问题,在功利主义的指引下,认定独创性的判断标准应当坚持客观性认定标准,判断是否为“智力活动”更应强调为丰富文明成果创造出价值,而非将创作的主体限定为自然人。为加强对ChatGPT生成物的有效管制,应对ChatGPT生成物进行强制登记。认定ChatGPT生成物可版权性更加契合《著作权法》的立法目标,有助于实现知识产权强国的战略目标。


    Abstract: If the copyright law needs to be adjusted, the copyright of ChatGPT generation is the core and key of the discussion. ChatGPT If the product is regarded as a work protected by the copyright law, the current copyright law is subject to many obstacles, and the judicial judgment cases are different. Under the guidance of utilitarianism, originality judgment standard should adhere to the objectivity standard, "intelligence" judgment should emphasize the result of value creation, ChatGPT generation should be compulsory registration, that ChatGPT generation copyright more fit the legislative goal of the copyright law, realize the strategic goal of intellectual property power.


