
Policy Simulation and Optimization of Flexible Resource Development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Power System

  • 摘要: 为了实现“双碳”目标,京津冀地区可再生能源不断接入电力系统,在这个过程中对电力系统运行的灵活性提出了更高的要求。而灵活性资源作为一种能够使得电力系统实现供需动态平衡的可调节资源,对电力系统安全稳定运行至关重要。为了进一步了解相关政策对京津冀电力系统灵活性资源发展状况的影响,本文构建了系统动力学模型,从火电灵活性改造投资、储能技术投资、激励力度、峰谷电价四个方面设计了政策调控因子,分别在单一政策情景和组合政策情景下对电力系统灵活性资源的发展状况进行了模拟仿真。最后根据仿真结果分别从强化财政政策、健全科技政策、健全机制设计三个方面具体提出了相应的政策优化建议。


    Abstract: In order to achieve the "double carbon" goal, the renewable energy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has been continuously connected to the power system, which puts forward higher requirements for the flexibility of the power system operation. As a kind of adjustable resource which can make the power system realize the dynamic balance of supply and demand, the flexible resource is very important to the safe and stable operation of the power system. In order to further understand the impact of relevant policies on the development of flexible resources in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei power system, this paper constructs a system dynamics model, and designs policy regulatory factors from four aspects: thermal power flexible transformation investment, energy storage technology investment, incentive strength, and peak-valley electricity price. The development of power system flexibility resources is simulated under single policy scenario and combined policy scenario respectively. Finally, according to the simulation results, the corresponding policy optimization suggestions are put forward from three aspects: strengthening fiscal policy, enhancing science and technology policy, and perfecting mechanism design.


