肖瑶. 郁达夫小说的跨文化特质研究:以《沉沦》中的诗文互涉为例[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 肖瑶. 郁达夫小说的跨文化特质研究:以《沉沦》中的诗文互涉为例[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
XIAO Yao. The Interculturality of YU Dafu’s Novels: Intertextuality in Sinking[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: XIAO Yao. The Interculturality of YU Dafu’s Novels: Intertextuality in Sinking[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


The Interculturality of YU Dafu’s Novels: Intertextuality in Sinking

  • 摘要: 本文运用跨文化性和互文的概念探讨《沉沦》中的诗文互涉对于小说语言、意境、情感和情节的影响,进而发掘郁达夫文学创作的跨文化特征,探寻中西文化对于其文学创作和意识形态的影响以及跨文化性对于文学革命的意义。通过文本分析笔者发现引用中文旧体诗以及诗歌中的典故和意象反映出它们与文化内部文本的互涉,而外文诗歌则是小说与跨文化文本的互涉。诗歌与小说的互文使其成为意境塑造、情感抒发和情节推进不可或缺的要素。在小说中同时引用中文旧体诗和外文诗歌凸显了郁达夫创作手法、抒情方式和思想观念的跨文化特征以及中西方不同文体形式甚至意识形态对于郁达夫的深刻影响。最终,本文以郁达夫独特的引诗入文方式为基础进一步思考语言、文学以及社会革新之间的相互作用。


    Abstract: This paper uses the concepts of interculturality and intertextuality to explore influence of poems in YU Dafu’s novel Sinking on its language, artistic conception, emotion and plot, and then to investigate the cross-cultural features of YU Dafu’s literary creation, impact of Chinese and Western cultures on his writing and ideology as well as the significance of interculturality for the literary revolution. Through textual analysis, the author finds that old-fashioned Chinese poems and allusions or images in them reflect the novel’s intertextuality with intracultural texts, while foreign poems demonstrate its connection with cross-cultural texts. The intertextuality between poetry and novel makes it an indispensable element in the artistic conception, emotional expression and plot. Quoting Chinese and foreign poems at the same time highlights the cross-cultural characteristics of YU Dafu’s writing techniques, lyrical methods and perception, together with the profound influence of Chinese and Western literary forms and ideology on him. Based on YU Dafu's unique way of citing poetry , the article further discusses the interplay between language, literature and social innovation.


