李庆. 从物欲追求到理性发展——人与自然关系的生态文明选择[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
引用本文: 李庆. 从物欲追求到理性发展——人与自然关系的生态文明选择[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版).
The Choice of Ecological Civilization in the Relationship between Man and Nature[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).
Citation: The Choice of Ecological Civilization in the Relationship between Man and Nature[J]. JOURNAL OF NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY(SOCIAL SCIENCES).


The Choice of Ecological Civilization in the Relationship between Man and Nature

  • 摘要: 生态文明思想是人类自然意识的觉醒,更是人类理性的回归,是人类文明冲破物欲藩篱,以人类智慧呵护人与自然关系的可持续发展觉悟。人类中心主义认为人的生物本能驱使人类为自身利益攫取生态资源,自然选择也使得人类不具有为生态系统整体利益而放弃人类个体利益的可能,但这并非人的全部,人是有理性物种,人的主观意识使他超越了其他物种具有理性选择的能力。生态文明是人类理性超越自身物质局限性,以生态系统整体的视角保护自然,从而最终保护人类自身的文明阶段。人类站在生态文明的思想高度,实现生态整体利益对人类中心利益的超越,生态整体利益本质上仍然是以人类根本利益为目标的,这种人类根本利益是建立在人类理性基础上,而非人类中心主义的感性欲望基础上。农业文明是为了满足人类生存的物质欲望,工业文明是为了满足人类享受的物质欲望,而生态文明是为了满足人类可持续发展的理性选择,生态文明是相对于物质文明的质的飞跃,这个飞跃是建立在农业文明和工业文明生存保障和物质极大丰富基础上,更是建立在人类理性光辉之上。中国特色社会主义生态文明思想创造的生态文明发展之路是人与自然和谐共生的人类可持续发展之路。


    Abstract: The thought of ecological civilization is not only the awakening of human natural consciousness, but also the return of human rationality. It is the consciousness of sustainable development that human civilization breaks through the barriers of material desire and takes care of the relationship between man and nature with human wisdom. Anthropocentrism holds that human biological instinct drives human beings to grab ecological resources for their own interests, and natural selection also makes it impossible for human beings to give up human individual interests for the overall interests of the ecosystem, but this is not all human beings. Agricultural civilization is to meet the material desire of human existence, industrial civilization is to meet the material desire of human enjoyment, while ecological civilization is to meet the rational choice of human sustainable development.The road of ecological civilization development created by the thought of socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics is the road of human sustainable development of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.


