
Research on New Forms of Human Civilization from the Perspective of Knowledge Graph: Hotspot Identification, Evolution Path, and Frontier Dynamics

  • 摘要: “人类文明新形态”是政治话语和学术话语的重大创新。目前,理论界关于“人类文明新形态”的研究呈现多点绽放、全面开花的局面。为系统把握人类文明新形态研究规律,以中国知网核心论文数据库中400篇高质量文献为研究样本,借助CO-Occurrence与VOSviewer科学文献计量与可视化工具分别对人类文明新形态研究成果的整体概况、热点聚焦、演进路径及前沿动态进行知识图谱分析。结果发现:人类文明新形态研究可划分初始探索期和深化扩展期,该领域研究具有显著政策导向性与鲜明时代主题性,尚未形成作者合作网络群;发文机构主要是高校且相对集中,高校与科研院所间的结对研究联动机制尚需构建,整体研究格局“碎片化”明显;刊载人类文明新形态研究的学术期刊较为零散;当下凝结了以“人类文明新形态”为中心的紧密连接网络,共形成5个聚类;遵循着“人类文明新形态 人类命运共同体 中国式现代化”的演进路径;研究主题发散、时间跨度短且分布不均衡,方法以质性研究为主,量化研究较少,研究过程表现出阶段性是人类文明新形态研究的前沿态势。最后,提出了研究展望。


    Abstract: The "New Form of Human Civilization" is a significant innovation in political discourse and academic discourse. Currently, the research on the "New Form of Human Civilization" in the theoretical community has shown multiple and comprehensive blooms. In order to systematically grasp the research laws of new forms of human civilization, 400 high-quality literature in the core paper database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were used as research samples. The knowledge graph analysis was conducted using CO-Occurrence and VOSviewer scientific literature metrology and visualization tools to analyze the overall overview, hot topic focus, evolution path, and cutting-edge dynamics of the research results of new forms of human civilization. The results show that research on new forms of human civilization can be divided into initial exploration period and deepening expansion period. This field of research has significant policy orientation and distinct era theme, and has not yet formed an author cooperation network group. The main publishing institutions are universities and are relatively concentrated. The linkage mechanism for paired research between universities and research institutes still needs to be established, and the overall research pattern is clearly fragmented. Academic journals that publish research on new forms of human civilization are relatively scattered. At present, a tightly connected network centered around the "new form of human civilization" has been formed, forming a total of 5 clusters. Following the evolution path of "Chinese path to modernization of a community with a shared future for mankind in a new form of human civilization". The research topic is divergent, the time span is short, and the distribution is uneven. The methods are mainly qualitative research, with less quantitative research. The research process shows a phased nature, which is the forefront of research on the new form of human civilization. Finally, research prospects are proposed.


