
"Harmony Between Man and Nature" in Chinese-type ModernizationAn investigation based on Marx's dialectics of "humanized nature"

  • 摘要: “人与自然和谐共生”作为中国式现代化的内在要求,关乎中华民族的永续发展。这一理念是基于马克思主义反思并超越西方资本主义工业文明现代社会发展模式的思想结晶。从马克思主义思想原则出发,对人与自然关系的考察不能停留在人与自然关系的直接性层面,否则或者被工具理性思维裹挟,将自然界视为人类取用的资源场,或者着色于抽象性迷雾,沉陷简单排斥现代工业文明的思想泥淖。只有基于马克思哲学的“人化自然”思想及其实践辩证法原则,将对相关问题的考察深入到社会历史性层面,才能将对建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化的体认,提升到人类文明发展的历史维度,也才能更为深刻领会中国式现代化的思想实质与马克思思想逻辑的内在联系,进而理解其所内蕴的从“人与自然是生命共同体”到“共同构建人类命运共同体”的“共同体”意识,拓展当代社会走向现代化的现实途径。


    Abstract: The concept of "Harmony between man and nature" is the crystallised idea based on Marxist reflection and transcendence of the development model of Western industrial civilization. From Marxist, the examination of the relationship between man and nature cannot remain at the level of the immediacy, or else we will either be held hostage by instrumental rational thinking and see nature as a resource field for human consumption, or we will be coloured by the fog of abstraction and sink into the ideological quagmire of simply rejecting modern industrial civilisation. Therefore, only by a deeper examination involving the socio-historical level, can the understanding of "building a modernization where men and nature coexist in harmony" be raised to the historical dimension of human civilization development. We can deeply understand the intrinsic connection between Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization and the logic of Marx's thought. It will further enable us to understand the sense of "community" embedded in both "a community of life for man and nature" and "jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind", to broaden the realistic approach of contemporary society towards modernisation and deepen the understanding of the laws of human social development.


