
Law Barriers to Systematic Governance of New Pollutants in China and the Path to Improvement

  • 摘要: 新污染物是特定社会背景下产生的污染形态,它具有区别于常规污染物的特殊属性,危害的隐蔽性更高。传统源头、末端治理的污染控制模式无法对新污染物特性进行有效治理,行政规制中管理职能、体制机制的碎片化亦无法满足新污染物治理的现实所需。新时代我国新污染物治理应该贯彻系统性治理理念,把握新污染物治理的整体性特征,完善新污染物法律规范体系,构建全生命周期的风险管控体制,对新污染物实行全链条式监管。通过搭建信息沟通平台,形成多元主体协同治理机制,综合运用多种手段实现对新污染物的精准治理。


    Abstract: New pollutants are forms of pollution arising in a specific social context, which have special characteristics that distinguish them from conventional pollutants, exerting more insidious hazards. Traditional approaches to pollution control, based on source control and end-of-pipe treatment, are unable to cope efficiently with the characteristics of new pollutants. Moreover, the fragmentation of management functions and institutional mechanisms in administrative regulation are unable to cope with new pollutant management. Nowadays, China's new pollutant management should implement the concept of systematic regulation, grasp the holistic characteristics of new pollutant management, establish comprehensive administrative policies for new pollutant management, build a lifecycle risk control system, and establish comprehensive supervision chain. The governance of new pollutants can be improved through the establishment of information communication platform and synergistic multi-subject administration mechanism.


