
Research on Compliance with Construction Environment of Electric Power EnterprisesTaking photovoltaic industry in electric power enterprises as the starting point

  • 摘要: 随着国家对生态环境的重视,光伏能源作为清洁、可再生资源取得了极大发展。但电力企业在光伏施工建设中存在诸多破坏生态环境的问题。光伏企业上游电池板生产过程缺少防护措施,忽视生产污染;光伏企业建设施工全过程未进行合理环评,忽视建设施工带来的环境污染;光伏设备寿命到期后回收机制不健全,导致污染扩散;发展过速导致光伏企业准入资质不统一,生产条件未达标的企业准入使生态受到破坏。为解决上述问题,应以合规建设为契机,构筑一种长效的电力企业环境合规机制。首先在政策层面,通过对企业进行严格的行业准入条件限制和技术升级,从而减少环境污染的可能性;其次,在企业内部建立职业化环境合规监管人员制度,从而对企业的日常经营进行监管,防止出现环境污染风险;最后,通过对企业赋加环境污染责任,以环境污染保证金和全过程建设生产环评制度对企业进行合规监管,从而改良减少生态污染,为构建人与自然生命共同体贡献力量。


    Abstract: With the national attention to the ecological environment, photovoltaic energy as a clean and renewable resource has achieved great development. But there are many problems that destroy the ecological environment in the construction of photovoltaic power enterprises.The upstream panel production process of photovoltaic enterprises lacks protective measures and ignores production pollution; the whole process of photovoltaic enterprise construction has not carried out reasonable EIA, ignoring the environmental pollution brought by construction; the recycling mechanism is not perfect after the life of photovoltaic equipment expires, leading to pollution diffusion; the rapid development leads to the unified access qualification of photovoltaic enterprises, and the access of enterprises that fails to meet the production conditions destroys the ecology. In order to solve the above problems, we should take the compliance construction as an opportunity to build a long-term environmental compliance mechanism for power enterprises. First, at the policy level, by strictly restricting the industry access conditions and upgrading the technology of enterprises, the possibility of environmental pollution is reduced; secondly, the professional environmental compliance supervision personnel system is established within the enterprise, so as to supervise the daily operation of enterprises and prevent the risk of environmental pollution; finally, by imposing environmental pollution responsibility on enterprises, the environmental pollution deposit and the whole process of construction and production EIA system are used to supervise enterprises, so as to improve and reduce ecological pollution and contribute to the construction of human and natural life community.


