
Enlightenment of The Great Learning on Ecological Education

  • 摘要: 生态文明建设需要加强对人们的生态教育,即培养生态意识,学习生态知识,提升生态修养。《大学》“三纲八目”是儒家道德修养的基本功夫,“格致诚正、修齐治平”的修养途径对生态教育有着重要的启示作用。“格物致知”促进人们学习生态知识,了解自然;“诚意正心”使人去除外在物欲,培养人们对自然的仁爱之心,“礼”规范人们外在行为,培养人们的生态道德,形成对大自然的敬畏之心。在“家国”的层面上,家庭是个人生态教育的起点,国家通过学校教育及社会教育更全面地开展生态教育。在“天下”层面,构建生命共同体,最终实现人与自然的和谐共生。


    Abstract: The construction of ecological civilization needs to strengthen the ecological education for people, that is, to cultivate ecological awareness, learn ecological knowledge and improve ecological accomplishment. The "three cardinal guides and eight catalogues" in the Great Learning are the basic skills of Confucian moral cultivation. The cultivation way of "studying phenomenon of nature, pursuing knowledge, sincerity of thought, rectifying the mind, self-cultivation, unifying the family, ruling the country and stabilizing the world" has an important enlightening effect on ecological education. "Studying phenomenon of nature, pursuing knowledge" promotes people to learn ecological knowledge and understand nature; "sincerity of thought and rectifying the mind" can help people to eliminate material desires and cultivate people's love for nature, and "etiquette" can regulate people's external behavior, cultivate people's ecological morality, and form a fear of nature. At the level of "family and country", the family is the starting point of personal ecological education. The state carries out ecological education more comprehensively through school education and social education. At the "world" level, building a community of life can finally realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.


