
On the Cultivation Path of the Spirit of Youth Struggle in the New Era

  • 摘要: “幸福是奋斗出来的”,这是习近平对新时代青年的殷切希望,也是新时代青年认识幸福、获得幸福和享有幸福的理论依托。奋斗精神不是抽象的、神秘的,而是具象的、实践的。涵养新时代青年的奋斗精神的逻辑理路,就是要厘清“什么是奋斗精神”“为什么要涵养奋斗精神”以及“怎样涵养奋斗精神”这个根本问题,教育引导新时代青年要在实现民族复兴大业中团结奋斗,要在锤炼意志和创造性实践中接续奋斗,要在不忘初心砥砺前行中艰苦奋斗,要在承担责任练就本领中铿锵奋斗。


    Abstract: “Happiness is the result of struggle”, this is Xi Jinping’s earnest hope for young people in the new era, and it is also the theoretical basis for young people in the new era to understand happiness, obtain happiness and enjoy happiness. The spirit of struggle is not abstract and mysterious, but concrete and practical. The logical way to cultivate the spirit of youth struggle in the new era is to clarify the fundamental issues of “what is the spirit of struggle”, “why should we cultivate the spirit of struggle” and “how to cultivate the spirit of struggle”, and to educate and guide young people in the new era in realizing the great cause of national rejuvenation. To work in unity, we must continue to struggle in tempering our will and creative practice, we must work hard without forgetting our original intentions, and we must work hard while taking responsibility and training our skills.


