
Modern Japan’s Plunder of Hydropower Resources in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 近代日本因对外扩张的战略需要,在中国东北地区掠夺了大量水电资源,供其发展重化工业,并作为“全面战争”的推进力量。九一八事变前,以满铁为便利条件,日本数次派遣专人开展针对东北水能的调查。伪满洲国成立后,关东军假手伪满政府落实水电工程,企图通过整合多种资源,为“总体战”提供了动力支持。日本又诓骗关内劳工赶赴东北,强制其参与水电工程的建设,致使其饱受凌虐后埋骨他乡。日本利用中国东北的水电资源,维系其殖民统治并继续扩大侵略战争,这给中国人民带来了深重灾难。因修筑水电工程,受难劳工与施暴监工各自形成了相互对抗性的历史记忆,这深刻地影响着东亚社会的历史和解。


    Abstract: In order to achieve the strategic needs of foreign expansion, Japan gradually plundered a large amount of hydropower resources in northeast China for its development of heavy and chemical industry, in an attempt to achieve “total war”. Before September 18th Incident, with Manchuria Railway as a convenient condition, Japan sent special personnel several times to carry out a survey on water energy in northeast China. After the establishment of the “Manchukuo”, the Kwantung Army faked the implementation of hydropower projects by the “Manchukuo” government and attempted to integrate various resources to provide power support for the “general war”. The Japanese also swindled laborers into the northeast China and forced them to work on hydroelectric projects, torturing and burying them there. Using the hydropower resources in northeast China, Japan maintained its colonial rule and continued to expand its war of aggression, which brought untold sufferings to the Chinese people. The historical memory of suffering laborers and abusive overseers formed by the construction of hydropower projects also profoundly influenced the historical reconciliation of East Asian society.


