
Analysis on the Connotation, Characteristics and Limits of Regional Environmental Collaborative Governance

  • 摘要: 区域环境协同治理是我国区域实践和环境政策中行之有效的组织形式。通过对其内涵、特性与限度的辨析,将有利于厘清问题实质、推动我国环境治理体系和治理能力现代化。区域环境协同治理相关概念之间既有关联性,也各有区别,根源在于作为本源的“治理”概念本身具有丰富性和多意性。而区域环境协同治理具有开放性与动态性、非线性与演化性、复杂性与适应性、周期性与迭代性等特点,民主化、法治化、科学化和专业化是其内在要求。总体而言,区域环境协同治理虽是应对环境“治理失灵”问题的适宜模式,但其有效性具有边界和限度,不能无限扩大。


    Abstract: Regional environmental collaborative governance is an effective organizational form in China’s regional practice and environmental policy. The analysis of its connotation, characteristics and limits will help to clarify the essence of the problem and promote the modernization of China’s environmental governance system and capacity. The related concepts of regional environmental collaborative governance have both relevance and differences, which are rooted in the richness and polysemy of the concept of “governance”. Regional environmental collaborative governance has characteristics of openness and dynamism, nonlinearity and evolution, complexity and adaptability, and periodicity and iterativeness, while its intrinsic requirements are democratization, legalization, scientization and professionalization. In general, collaborative governance is a suitable model to deal with the dilemma of failed regional environmental collaborative governance, however, collaborative governance is not a panacea, and its effectiveness has boundaries and limits.


