
A Marxist Interpretation of the Great Changes Unseen in the World in a Century

  • 摘要: 世界正处于百年未有之大变局是新时代中国共产党人提出的重大理论命题。深化对世界百年未有之大变局的学习和理解,须对其开展马克思主义理论逻辑的阐释,围绕存在论、认识论与方法论等展开。一是在历史与现实的结合中分析世界百年未有之大变局的当代图景与发展演嬗;二是在实践的基础上厘清关于世界百年未有之大变局认识发展的阶段;三是在科学的世界观指导下掌握应对世界百年未有之大变局的正确方法。惟其如此,为新时代新征程上中国共产党人科学审度和正确把握自身所处的外界环境提供马克思主义的思想指导与实践遵循。


    Abstract: It is a major theoretical proposition put forward by the Chinese Communists in the new era that the world is undergoing great changes unseen in a century. To deepen the study and understanding of the great changes in the world unseen in a century, it is necessary to carry out the explanation of the logic in Marxist theory, centering on ontology, epistemology and methodology. The first is to analyze, in combination with history and reality, the contemporary vision and development of vast changes unseen in the world in a century. The second is to clarify the stages of understanding and development of the unprecedented changes in the world on the basis of practice. The third is to master the correct way to deal with the unprecedented changes in the world under the guidance of a scientific worldview. Only in this way can it provide ideological guidance and practice for Chinese Communists to scientifically evaluate and correctly grasp their own external environment in the new era and new journey.


