
The Construction of New Political Party System from the Perspective of National Governance: Orientation, Test and Countermeasures

  • 摘要: 新型政党制度建设是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的一个重要环节。在统筹考虑国际国内两个大局的背景下,国家治理面临的民心向背、补短板与强弱项、人事代谢三个主要考验,需要新型政党制度建设在牢固制度根本、推进制度健全、抓紧制度落实三方面上下功夫。围绕制度建设的目的、保障和主体三方面要求,充分发挥新型政党制度“一党领导,多党合作;一党执政,多党参政”的民主集中功能。


    Abstract: The construction of the New Political Party System is an important part in advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. Under the background of overall consideration of both international and domestic situations, national governance is faced with three major tests of popular support, making up for shortcomings and strengthening the weaknesses, and personnel metabolism. The construction of the New Political Party System requires a firm foundation, a sound system, and a firm grasp of the system. Centering on the purpose, guarantee, and the main body, the New Political Party System should achieve its democratic centralization function of “one-party leadership, multi-party cooperation, one-party governance, and multi-party participation in politics”.


