
A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind:A Realistic Plan to Real Community

  • 摘要: “真正的共同体”是人类解放的终极形式,其最终实现必将是一个十分漫长的历史过程。为了尽可能贴近人类社会现实,早日求得“人类解放”,中国共产党极具洞见性地提出构建人类命运共同体的中国智慧和中国方案。“人类命运共同体”与“自由人联合体”虽然是两种不同性质的人类理想共同体,但却共同蕴含着“生产力的普遍发展”的根本要求、“社会关系高度和谐”的关键旨趣、“消灭现存状况的运动”的实践逻辑以及“每个人自由全面发展”的终极关怀。这四个维度深刻把握了世界百年未有之大变局的人类社会现实,共同构筑了“人类命运共同体”的生成前提和价值取向,使“人类命运共同体”成为通达“真正的共同体”的现实方案。


    Abstract: “Real community” is the ultimate form of human liberation, and its ultimate realization will be a very long historical process. In order to be as close as possible to the reality of human society and seek “human liberation” as soon as possible, the Communist Party of China has put forward the Chinese wisdom and Chinese plan for building a community with a shared future for mankind with great insight. Although “a community with a shared future for mankind” and “community of free individuals” are two different types of human ideal communities, they contain the fundamental requirements of “universal development of productive forces”, the key purport of “highly harmonious social relations”, the practical logic of “movement to eliminate existing conditions” and the ultimate concern of “free and comprehensive development of everyone”. These four dimensions profoundly grasp the human social reality of the great changes that have not occurred in the world for a century, and jointly build the premise and value orientation of the formation of “a community with a shared future for mankind”, so that “a global community with a shared future” becomes a realistic plan to the “real community”.


