
“Optical” Narration in Science Novels in the Late Qing Dynasty and Its Significance of Modernity

  • 摘要: 晚清科学小说中存在着不少有关“光学”的叙述。光学叙事的出现建基于西学东渐的历史大背景,尤与西方光学知识及相关器具的传播关系紧密,其在科学小说中主要以两种形态呈现:一种是作为知识展演,为晚清小说家的光学书写奠定相应的理论基础;另一种是具象化为一系列功能各异的光学奇镜,生动构成源自西方的现代视觉技术在本土语境中的回环映现。前一“知识”形态,反映了西方光学在晚清输入中国的既定历史事实,也由此发挥一定意义的科学启蒙功效,而后一“器物”形态,不仅蕴含着创作者对于象征科学力量的西方视觉技术的真诚信服,更是他们参与现代视觉文化的想象性表达与建构的方法论表征,二者具有同等重要的现代性意义。


    Abstract: There are many narratives about “optics” in the science novels of the late Qing Dynasty. The emergence of optical narrative is based on the historical background of the spread of Western learning to the East, especially closely related to the dissemination of Western optical knowledge and related instruments. It is mainly presented in two forms in science novels: one is as a knowledge performance, which lays the corresponding theoretical foundation for the optical writing of novelists in the late Qing Dynasty; the other is embodied as a series of optical strange mirrors with different functions, which vividly forms the echo of modern visual technology from the West in the local context. The former form of “knowledge” reflects the established historical fact that Western optics was imported into China in the late Qing Dynasty, and thus plays a significant role in scientific enlightenment. The latter form of “utensils” which contains not only the creators’ sincere service to the western visual technology symbolizing the power of science, but also the methodological representation of their participation in the imaginative expression and construction of modern visual culture. They have the same important significance of modernity.


