
Marx’s Critique of Proudhon’s “Constitutive Axiology”Based on The Poverty of Philosophy

  • 摘要: 马克思在《哲学的贫困》第一章“科学的发现”中根据蒲鲁东“构成价值论”的各部分内容逐次展开批判,揭示了蒲鲁东价值二律背反的荒谬性,作为“合题”的“构成价值”解决贫困问题的不可能性以及货币和“任何劳动必有剩余”作为构成价值论应用的不合理性。这不仅对消除蒲鲁东政治经济学的消极影响发挥了重要作用,同时也充分展现了马克思在新的历史观下对价值理论认识的深化。


    Abstract: In the first chapter of The poverty of philosophy, scientific discoveries, Marx criticize “Constitutive Axiology” written by Proudhon. It reveals the absurdity of Proudhon value antinomy. “Synthesis” of “form value” is not likely to solve the problem of poverty. Currency and any labor surplus cannot reasonably constitute the theory application. This not only plays an important role in eliminating the negative influence of Proudhon’s political economy, but also fully demonstrates Marx’s deepening understanding of value theory under the new historical view.


