
On the Positive Significance of Kuso Culture to the Construction of College Campus Culture

  • 摘要: 作为一种最为流行的当代青年亚文化形式,恶搞文化已日益渗透到当代大学生的日常生活中,成为一个引入注目的大学校园文化现象。尽管具有一定的反主流、反传统的文化倾向,恶搞文化仍然可以在大学校园健康文化生态的构建、校园文化公共品格的培育以及校园文化主体心理的建设方面发挥积极的作用,从而在以马克思主义、社会主义核心价值观为思想基础的高校主流文化的建设过程中贡献积极的力量。


    Abstract: Abstracts: As one of the most popular forms of contemporary youth subculture, Kuso culture has increasingly penetrated into the daily lives of contemporary college students, and has become an eye-catching phenomenon of college campus culture. Although it has a certain anti-mainstream and anti-traditional cultural tendency, Kuso culture can still play an active role in the construction of a healthy cultural ecology on university campuses, the cultivation of the public character of campus culture, and the construction of the main body of campus culture. Socialist core values contribute positive force to the construction of mainstream culture in colleges and universities based on the ideological foundation.


