
Escaping from the Trail: A Study on the Phenomenon of Intellectuals’ Abandoning Officials in Tang Dynasty

  • 摘要: “弃官”指的是官员主动放弃官职的行为。唐代文人“弃官”现象频繁,有因疾“弃官”、因孝“弃官”、避祸“弃官”、仕宦不达“弃官”、个性耿介“弃官”等多种情况,“弃官”后,文人有的复出,有的归隐,有的潜心佛道,有的则以诗文自娱。“弃官”是文人在仕途绝望后的人生另一选择,是背离社会主流观念的另类举动。还有许多文人虽然时常表达出“弃官”之愿望,但是并未付之行动,反映了唐人在出仕与归隐之间的矛盾心态。


    Abstract: “Abandoning official positions” refers to the behavior of officials abandoning official post without authorization. The phenomenon of “abandoning official positions” was frequent in Tang Dynasty. There were many reasons for “abandonming official positions”, such as “disease”, “filial piety”, “avoiding misfortune”, “unable to get higher postion” and “strong personality” . Some of them concentrate on Buddhism and Taoism, while others entertain themselves with poetry and prose. “Abandoning official positions” is another choice for officials after their career despair, and an alternative action which deviates from the mainstream concept of society. Although many officials often expressed their desire to abandon their official positions, they did not take action, reflecting the contradictory mentality of the Tang people between being an official and returning to seclusion.


