
A Re-examination of the Punitive Damages System for Ecological and Environmental Torts

  • 摘要: 《民法典》新增生态环境侵权为惩罚性赔偿制度的适用领域,并赋予该制度民事责任的属性。虽然我国惩罚性赔偿制度的发展和完善建立在参考、借鉴域外经验的基础之上,但我国与英美法系国家在法律体系、司法制度等方面存在结构性差异,不可盲目照搬他国做法,将惩罚性赔偿与罚款、罚金同质化处理,过于强调生态环境侵权惩罚性赔偿制度的惩罚和威慑功能。应理性认识生态环境侵权惩罚性赔偿制度的私法属性,定位其依循完全赔偿原则填补损害的制度功能,限定生态环境侵权案件为其适用范围。


    Abstract: Referring to foreign experience, China has preliminarily realized the localization of punitive damages. Ecological and environmental torts, as the new field of application of the punitive damages system to the Civil Code, are endowed with the nature of civil liability under the provisions of the Civil Code and judicial interpretation. There are structural differences between China and the common law countries in terms of legal system and judicial system. We should not blindly copy the practice of the US, homogenize punitive damages with fines and penalties, and overemphasize the punitive and deterrent function of the punitive damages system for ecological and environmental torts. We should rationally understand the private law attribute of punitive compensation system for ecological environment tort, locate its institutional function of filling damages in accordance with the principle of complete compensation, and limit application scope to ecological environmental tort cases.


