
Regulatory Dilemma and Legislative Response of Nature Reserve SpaceAn empirical analysis based on the relevant laws and regulations of nature reserves

  • 摘要: 自然保护地建设风生水起的背后,隐藏着自然保护地之间内涵界定不清、主体功能模糊、空间规划重叠等诸多问题,难以发挥自然保护地的应有作用。这类问题表面上是“条块分割”“九龙治水”的管理模式引起的,实则是自然保护地法律规范之间的冲突造成的。而这类法律规范冲突的生成原因可以归结为自然保护地的立法规划缺失、管理事权划分不清、管理部门利益冲突。为此,需要在协调自然保护地区域经济发展与生态保护关系基础上,构建科学合理的以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,建立统一规范高效的分级管理体制,并加大对现行自然保护地法律法规立改废释的工作力度。


    Abstract: There are various problems hidden behind the seemingly robust development of nature reserves, such as the indistinct definition of concepts, vague functions of main bodies, and the overlapping of geographical space, which impede the nature reserves to fulfil their function. The main causes of these issues, such as administrative segmentation, the backfiring joint-management decisions, and the conflicting policies from different departments are the conflicts of laws and regulations in nature reserves. The conflicts can be attributed to the lack of legislative planning, the unclear division of administrative power, and the conflicts in interest among supervisors. Therefore, on the basis of coordinating the economic development and the ecological protection of nature reserves, it is necessary to build a scientific and appropriate system for nature reserves, establish a unified, standardized, and efficient hierarchical management system, as well as intensify the efforts of establishing, changing, abolishing, and interpreting the current laws and regulations of nature reserves.


