
Verbal-Visual Model and Its Operation: A New Development of Relevance Theory

  • 摘要: 关联理论(简称RT)创立30多年来,基本上一直以关联性概念与关联原则为基础,以明示—推理、认知语境以及最大最佳关联为框架分析言语交际中的话语。其研究广泛而深入。但对媒体话语的分析还差强人意,体现在无力于对语篇交流层次以及对沟通者的交流意图进行细致、深入的分析。Francisco Yus 于20世纪90年代,在关联理论的基础上提出了用于分析媒体话语的言语—视觉模型,进一步发展了关联理论。本文主要介绍Yus言语—视觉模型产生的缘由、背景、理论框架及其运作,并对该模型的未来发展提出展望。


    Abstract: Relevance Theory (RT for short), centering on the concept of relevance and the principle of relevance, has been taking ostensive-inferential communication, cognitive context, and maximal and optimal relevance as the framework to analyze utterances in communication. It covers a very vast scope in great depth. However, it is incapable of taking different communication layers and communicators’ intentions into consideration to make a detailed and in-depth analysis of media discourses. Francisco Yus, with this challenge in mind, developed RT and set up the verbal-visual model (VV Model for short) in the early nineties of the 20th century. This paper tries to present some background knowledge of VV Model, the framework and its operation. In the concluding section, the author makes a prediction of the prospect of VV Model.


