
On Theoretical Basis of Cameras in Courtroom

  • 摘要: 庭审直播是本轮司法改革贯彻深化审判公开原则的举措,也是提升司法公信力的制度之一,在新冠疫情期间更是发挥了普法宣传之功能,因而理应得到充分的关注和研究。以庭审直播正当性和效用性为导向,集中围绕庭审直播的理论基础去理解该制度:第一,第三人效果从传播学角度探讨庭审直播对潜在犯罪人的威慑效果;第二,公众参与原则从政治学角度探讨庭审直播在促进司法公正方面对社会公众的教育效果;第三,审判公开原则从法理学角度探讨庭审直播在深化该原则的作用。


    Abstract: Cameras in courtroom is a judicial reform to implement the principle of open trial in depth, and to enhance the credibility of the justice, which means we should pay more attention to it. This article orients the reform’s legitimacy, and focuses on its theoretical basis: firstly, the third person effect from the perspective of communication study discusses the effectiveness of cameras in courtroom on the potential offender; then, the principle of public participation from the perspective of political science analyzes how broadcasting live promotes judicial justice in the public education effect; finally, the principle of open trial from the perspective of jurisprudence explores the role of broadcasting live in deepening the principle.


