
Constructing Tradable Green Certificate Schemes from the Perspective of Comparative Law

  • 摘要: 绿色证书交易制度以具备成本效益的方式为可再生能源电力的生产与消纳提供法律保障,有望破解我国固定上网电价补贴制度长期实施所致的积弊。域外相关立法实践为我国引入绿色证书交易制度提供了丰富的借鉴与启示。可再生能源配额义务应是绿色证书交易制度设计的基础,需在《可再生能源法》中确立配额义务并建立相关的责权利体系;应确定可再生能源立法与绿色证书交易专项法规相结合的立法模式;需明确国务院能源主管部门与省级能源主管部门的职权与分级管理体制。


    Abstract: Tradable green certificate (TGC) schemes play a pivotal role in boosting the production and consumption of renewable electricity in a cost-effective way, which is expected to tackle challenges caused by the long-term implementation of feed-in tariff and subsidy schemes in China. Foreign law regarding TGC provides abundant lessons and insights for the introduction of TGC schemes in China. The renewables quota obligation should be the basis of designing TGC schemes, and the quota obligation should be specified in the Renewable Energy Law, and relevant executive power, obligations and liabilities should be established. The legislation mode of combining renewable energy legislation with certain regulations of TGC should be determined. It is necessary to clarify power allocation between the National Energy Administration and competent energy authorities at the provincial level.


