
Study on the Construction of ideal Personality in Zhang Zhidong's poems

  • 摘要: 理想人格对于解读张之洞这样一位身处时代大变局中的历史人物来说是个重要的问题,而借助张之洞那些抒发真性情、真怀抱的诗歌来钩稽其理想人格乃较为可靠的门径。张之洞的诗歌中有表达个人所思所感的自抒怀抱,有对陶侃、杜甫、苏东坡等先贤的仰慕,也有对胡林翼、彭玉麟等今世英才的赞美,这些诗作互为补充、相互交融,共同建构了他集忠义仁爱的儒者、扶危定倾的豪杰、旷达睿智的名士于一身的理想人格的范型。


    Abstract: Ideal personality is an important issue for the interpretation of Zhang Zhidong, a historical figure in The Times of great changes, and it is a more reliable way to trace his ideal personality by virtue of zhang Zhidong's poems expressing his true nature and embrace. Zhang zhidong's poetry expression of thinking are adopted from the arms, with admiration of TaoKan, du fu and su dongpo sages, there are also praise for Hu Linyi, Peng Yulin talent for this, these poems are complementary and mutual blend, construct his loyalty and love of Confucian, taking dangerous metacentric hero, broad-mindedness wise men in one of the ideal personality of paradigm.


