
China's Solution to the Conflict Between Climate Measures and WTO Rules Under the Trend of Reverse Globalization

  • 摘要: 气候变化与人类贸易活动之间具有密切联系,WTO成员方采取的部分应对气候变化的措施与WTO部分规则之间存在冲突,一定程度上阻碍全球气候治理进程。英国“退欧”、美国退出《巴黎协定》等逆全球化事件对于应对气候变化无疑是雪上加霜。在应对气候变化问题上,中国坚持人类命运共同体的理念指导,展现大国担当。文章通过厘清应对气候变化措施的法理问题,分析碳排放机制、碳关税等主要气候变化措施与WTO规则的冲突与化解,梳理美国与欧盟气候政策的演变,最终探讨在逆全球化思潮冲击下,中国如何应对气候变化措施与WTO规则之间的冲突,以及如何进行气候治理的路径选择问题。


    Abstract: There is a close relationship between climate change and human trade activities. Some measures adopted by WTO members to cope with climate change conflict with some WTO measures, which to some extent hinders the global climate governance process. Reverse globalization events such as the Brexit of the UK and the withdrawal of the U.S from the Paris Agreement have undoubtedly made the fight against climate change worse. In addressing climate change, China is guided by the vision of a community with a Shared future for mankind, and has shown its responsibility as a major country. This article, by clarifying the legal issues of climate change measures, analyzing the mechanism of carbon and carbon tariffs and other main measures on climate change and the WTO rules of conflict and resolve, and makeing clear the evolution of the United States and the European Union climate policy, finally discusses the impact of inverse globalization trend and focuses on how China should deal with climate change measures that conflict with the WTO rules, as well as how China should chose the path of climate governance.


