
The Enlightenment of Japan's Labor Dispatch System to China

  • 摘要: 劳务派遣一直是劳动法上比较热门的话题。2012年的《劳动合同法》修改仅仅是围绕着劳务派遣部分进行,可以看出我国劳务派遣问题繁多,亟待解决。本文从比较法的视点出发,探讨日本《劳务派遣法》基于“同工同酬”部分修改对我国现行劳务派遣法律规制完善上所带来的启示。日本现行《劳务派遣法》中对于“同酬”的含义的诠释、劳务派遣单位的待遇说明义务以及由劳务派遣单位和派遣劳动者各自就其主张举证的方式等等,这些内容对我国劳务派遣制度的完善、公正、透明的劳务派遣制度的构建,对于如何界定“同酬”的范围,构建合理的举证责任分配方式等方面,都有着重要的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: The regulation of labor dispatch has been a hot topic in Labor Law. The revision of the Labor Contract Law in 2012 only focuses on the labor dispatch. It can be seen that there are many problems in China's labor dispatch, which need to be solved urgently. Based on comparative law, this article introduces the Labor Dispatch Law of Japan. According to its amendment in “equal pay for equal work”, this article discusses what enlightenment it may bring to the regulation of current labor dispatch system in China. The present Labor Dispatch Law includes explanation of “equal pay”, the labor dispatching company’s responsibility of salary statement, and burden of proof by both labor dispatching company and dispatched workers according to their assertions. These experiences are of great significance to the perfection of labor dispatch system in China, the establishment of equal, transparent labor dispatch system, the limitation of “equal pay”, and the construction of reasonable distribution of proof burden.


