
The Majority Rule in the Political Environment and Confucian ''Harmony Without Uniformity''

  • 摘要: 多数原则作为民主政治体现人民当家做主的基本原则,多数原则不仅尊重政治环境中观点的分歧,也尊重决策过程中的每个个体。在多数原则的适用上,为防止其成为像民粹主义那样用假意的“多数”代替真正人民,从而谋取特定政治利益的工具,我们应该遵循三个基本先决准则:非对立准则、身份未知准则、同等决定力准则。然而,即使遵循上诉准则,多数原则也有着难以避免的缺陷。为此,将我国儒家思想“和而不同”作为检验多数原则的标准有利于优化多数原则,保障多数和少数的和谐共存,促进我国民主政治的发展。


    Abstract: The majority rule as a basic principle of democratic politics, it embodies that the citizens are their own master. It not only respects the disagreements in political environment, but also respects every individual in decision-making process. When using the majority rule, in order to prevent it from becoming the tool of certain political interests, as populism does which replace the real people by fake majority, we should follow three basic preconditions: non-antagonistic principle; unknown identity principle; and the same decisive power principle. However, even if we follow theses principles described above, the majority rule inevitably has its defects. Therefore, using the traditional Confucian thought of "harmony without uniformity" as the test standard is conducive to optimizing the majority rule, ensuring the harmonious coexistence of the majority and the minority, and promoting the development of democratic politics in China.


