
A Corpus-based Study on Pragmatic Strategies of Chinese Comforting Message and Their Organization

  • 摘要: 劝慰语是十分重要的表情类言语行为,是日常交际行为中常见的重要组成部分,既有其重要性又有其实用性。本文通过对当代生活类小说对话的截取,自建482万字的小型现代汉语口语语料库,并对语料库的劝慰语进行定量和分类,搜集到共计403条、713句劝慰语。以收集到的现代汉语劝慰语语料为基础,归纳分析出现代汉语劝慰语的语用策略。本文重新修正了劝慰语构成的要素,总结为五个重要要素,并根据五个要素对现代汉语劝慰语的语用策略重新分类,以完善已有研究中策略分类重复等问题。总结出“主要策略”及“次要策略”两大类,共19条分策略,并对每类策略和分策略的频数和频率做以统计。最后,探讨了劝慰语策略在语料中的组合运用情况。


    Abstract: The comforting message is a very important expression speech act and a common important component of daily communicative behavior, it has both importance and practicality. This paper adopts the method of corpus statistic, we built a 4.82 million-word small Chinese oral corpus through the interception of contemporary life-class novels dialogue, collected to a total of 403 items, 713 words of comforting message. Based on the collection of modern Chinese language corpus, the pragmatic strategies are analyzed. This paper amends the elements of the comforting message, summarizes the five important elements, and classifies the pragmatic tactics of the modern Chinese comforting message according to five elements, so as to solve the classification problem in the existing research. This paper summarizes the two major categories of "main strategy" and "minor strategy", altogether 19 points strategy, and makes statistics on the frequency and frequencies of each type of strategy and sub strategy. At last, the combination application of the tactics of the comforting message in corpus is discussed.


