
Four Basic Questions on Criminal Corroboration Requirement

  • 摘要: 刑事补强证据规则的规则形式随着人类司法的发展由“开放性规则+限制性规则”转变为单纯的开放性规则,即当刑事证明充分性有需要时,至少应当有一个独立来源的补强证据。其证明结构为收敛结构,主要包括待证事实、主证据以及补强证据(或中间事实)三个元素。刑事补强证据规则作为保障证明充分性的证据规则,与“孤证不能定案规则”、“刑事印证规则”存在一定的相似性,但与“孤证不能定案规则”在规范内容、运行机理以及证明结构三方面存在区别,而与“刑事印证规则”在规范内容、运行机理以及与刑事证明标准的关系三方面存在区别。


    Abstract: With the development of human judicature, the rule form of criminal corroboration requirement has changed from "open rule + restrictive rule" to open rule, that is, when the sufficiency of criminal evidence is needed, there should be at least one independent source of supplementary evidence.Its proof structure is a convergence structure, which mainly includes three elements: the facts to be proved, the main evidence and the supplementary evidence (or intermediate facts). Strengthening the criminal evidence rules as a guarantee to prove the adequacy of the evidence rule, and "a verdict can't be based on solitary evidence", "criminal verification requirement" has certain similarities, but it is different from the rule of "a verdict can't be based on solitary evidence" in three aspects: the content, the operation mechanism and the proof structure, and it is different from "criminal verification rules" in three aspects: the content of norms, the operating mechanism and the relationship with criminal proof standards.


