
Spatial Construction in Doris Lessing’s The Memoirs of a Survivor

  • 摘要: 《幸存者回忆录》构建了一个混乱而有序的末日世界,这个悖论世界的空间体系由空间的对立、变动及文本的空间化三种形式建构,反映出莱辛对空间差异、转换及矛盾关系的思考。小说中的“我”同时观察墙两侧空间中的艾米莉,见证其进行自我构建的艰难历程,在此过程中空间的等级化以及地理空间的转换表征了失衡的权力、性别关系,而文本的空间化形式则是莱辛流散身份的体现。


    Abstract: The Memoirs of a Survivor constructs a chaotic but orderly doomsday world. The spatial system of this paradoxical world is constructed by three forms: spatial opposition, spatial transformation and textual spatialization, mirroring Lessing’s thoughts on spatial discrepancy, transformation and contradictory relations. The “I” in this novel observes Emily in the space on both sides of the wall, witnessing her hard experience of self-construction. In this process, the hierarchy of space and transformation of geographical space represent the imbalanced power and gender relations, while the spatialization of the text becomes the embodiment of Lessing’s diaspora identity.


