It is the logocentrism and its modernity component of essence-history which Derrida tried to transcend that make a lot of misunderstandings on Derrida’s view of literary essence. Only by returning to phenomenological horizons and post-metaphysical dimension, could Derrida’s alledged singular essence of literature be excavated: inner transcendental, quasi-transcendental, transcendence of being absence. Transcendence of being absence both govern the other two dimensions and transcend the literary essence and the structure of essence-history under the frame of logocentrism. The transcendence doesn’t dogmatically eradicate modern literariness, instead it succeeded in restructring and governing in horizons of post ontology. Transcendence of being absence is the core and impetus of post-literariness. It is the impetus associating modern literariness with post-literariness, elevation of which can avoid their vulgarisation.