
Developing by Going Back While Going ForwardThe Metaphysical Significance of the Hypercycle

  • 摘要: 中国古代哲人善于在人类行为中发宇宙论,《易经·复卦》就是基于对人类生存的敏锐观察而发现了宇宙超循环运动,其“刚,反动而以顺行”是对超循环的最好描述。自然科学逻辑系统以其遵守逻辑不矛盾律故其所描述的对象都是运动而无变化的存在,而世界并不存在运动而无变化的存在者,故自然科学所谓循环运动是基于对世界的简化,其所谓超循环依然是对形而上学超循环论之谓超循环结构之循环部分的描述,故无关于宇宙信息量的增长。吾人所谓形而上学超循环论乃是基于对科学主义世界观的批判而超越性回归中国古典哲学的超循环论,进而重新达到“复,见天地之心”——即在超循环运动中见出宇宙一切运动皆宇宙大心之动。人类思维发展亦为超循环运动。


    Abstract: Ancient Chinese philosophers are good at exploring cosmology from human behavior. Based on the observation of human existence, the book I Ching · Repeated discovered the super-cyclic movement of the Universe. In this book, the hypercycle is best described as “developing by going back while going forward”. According to the logic of the natural sciences, the scientific laws are strictly followed by objects in this world, and those laws should not be contradictory to each other. However, the change of the object itself in the scientific world is never considered. In other words, the scientific laws based on the observation of repeated behavior or movement of an object, simplified the world. In fact, everything in this world does not simply repeat its movement without change. The hypercycle the author talks about is mainly based on the theory of Metaphysics and is not related with the increase of information in the Universe.“Hypercycle, Reflecting the spirit of the universe”, the author will criticize the world views of scientism and talk about the theory of the hypercycle put forward by ancient Chinese philosophers. In conclusion, all the movements in the Universe can be seen as the super-cyclic movements. The development of our human thinking is also derived from the super-cyclic movements.


