The key to implement the rural revitalization strategy lies in the revitalization of rural industries, and social capital as an internal driving force is an important factor in realizing the revitalization of rural industries. Based on the research of Chentai Village's case of agricultural industry, this article takes Social capital's relationship network, social trust, social regulations as the observing dimensions, take rural internal and external resources integration, farmers' participation, and rural industry integration as the entry point to clarify the participation of social capital in rural industries and the inner logic of rejuvenation. Further this research illustrates that the path of social capital's utility in the revitalization of rural industries lies in the effective driving of rural talents, organization and culture as well. That is, rural talents are the key to broaden the integration of internal and external resources. Rural organizations are The platform to foster social trust and promote farmers. And social culture are the cornerstones for the formation of social norms to ensure the integration of industries. The social capital role of these three promotes the revitalization of rural industries.