
How Wittgenstein Views Meaning in His Meaning as Use

  • 摘要: 通过驳斥“意义指称论”,维特根斯坦提出了“意义即使用”的哲学观。不过,该观点并没有从正面解释“意义是什么”,而是把问题的焦点引向语境,即强调词的意义要放在每一个具体的语境中去理解。维氏在文中提到了“苹果”、“红”和“五”这三个词的区别,但关于这些词的意义,他并没有深入探讨。在研读《哲学研究》文本段落的基础上,本文尝试进一步探讨实体名词、抽象词、颜色词和数词的意义,并提出词的意义不是该词与外界事物的对应关系,而是形成于人脑中的抽象概念。


    Abstract: Wittgenstein proposed meaning as use to refute the referential theory of meaning. However, the idea of meaning as use could not explain what meaning is in a direct way. Rather, the focus points to context. In other words, a word can only be correctly comprehended in its concrete linguistic environment. Wittgenstein mentioned that apple, red and five are different kinds of words, but he did not probe into them. Based on his discussion in Philosophical Investigations, the paper attempts to further explore the meaning of substantives, abstract words, color terms and numerals. It is held that the meaning of a word is not its relation to the entity it denotes, but the concept it represents in our mind.


